My first novel!
A Soldier’s Embrace is a sweet, yet exciting story. The characters are captivating and the settings are perfect. The dialogue between the characters is well written and realistic. Ms. Romero has written a great historical romance.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Where authors and readers come together!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I Can't Say Bloody Hell at Christmas~!

This is my first post. My sister in law got tired of my excuses as to why I haven't set up my own blog and took the process over. Thank God. Well, it's 2:30 Christmas morning and Santa hasn't shown up yet. No tiny hoof dancing on the roof, although there was a shot gun blast some where out back. I didn't go check. Hey, gun shot, Santa's missing in action. Gulp.

My husband's on my last nerve. He likes it there.

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, we finally remembered your gmail account name, so post away~! It is kind of sad that it took both of us to remember what it was though. Have fun posting~!
