My first novel!
A Soldier’s Embrace is a sweet, yet exciting story. The characters are captivating and the settings are perfect. The dialogue between the characters is well written and realistic. Ms. Romero has written a great historical romance.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

Where authors and readers come together!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Look at what the bookstore drug in

I've always written, and always wanted to be an author. Well not always. When I was nine I wanted to be a jockey and when I was ten I wanted to marry Steve Sax, the short stop for the Los Angeles Dodgers. It was when I grew older that I really wanted to write. But I digress.

Yesterday or should I say this morning around 1:30 I opened my email to find out my first book has been released to the public. Not the great fan fair I had always dreamed of, but it's still awesome! I'm still in shock, very excited and completely stunned.

I didn't know how much work went into being an author. I thought you get published, people buy your books, you go on Oprah, movie deals start coming in.

Yeah, right.

Turns out I have a lot more to do besides write another book. Publishing companies, it seems no longer have the large marking/advertising funds they used to sell their authors. Now the tide seems to be the author for the most part is left to promote themselves.


I have to talk to people? Schmooze and hobnob?

I don't like people, that's why I write. People scare me. I could be introduced to someone and the entire time they're talking, I'm panicking over what I'm going to say when they're done. Once they're done speaking and their eyes focus back to me, I'm like a deer in headlights. gulp.
I try to remember what they were taking about in hopes of adding some clever quip or some witty remarks that makes the person glad they sought me out. But all that happens is a mantra begins playing in my head- Just don't burp, just don't burp, thank God I cut my toenails...

If I wanted to do meet and greets, I'd have become a public speaker for God sakes!

I'm going to be alright. It's going to be fine. I'll smile and be myself and the crowds will go nuts.

Now I'll I have to do is sell a copy.


  1. "I don't like people, that's why I write. People scare me. I could be introduced to someone and the entire time they're talking, I'm panicking over what I'm going to say when they're done."

    Gosh, I don't remember writing this post, but that's surely me you're describing!

    Congratulations on your first publication! So...are we gonna get the title?

  2. You bet! You can find it at my It's called A Soldier's Embrace.
